Why do you want to do a Open House? Is it to show off some new construction/renevation to your clients or employees? Perhaps both, letting employees feel pride in a new well built building, and to show the operations of how things are done for your customers.
How do you get clients and employees to attend? Some food is a good start:) Maybe a theme that relates somehow to your business; i.e. if your an accounting firm perhaps canapes that are green, or in the shape of money.
Will your company’s Open House be for adults only or will families be invited? Either way entertainment would be a great addition to liven up the festivities and give them a reason to stay more than 15 minutes.
A magician producing money or a crystal ball and a phychic palm reader would create a fun atmosphere ‘on seeing into the company’s future.’ Perhaps 3 or 4 stations of entertainers depending on how large your audience is. I’ve ‘wowed’ small open houses for Bagel shops which had maybe 50 people to a Post Office Distribution center in Scarborough, Maine with 500 people attending…so make it interesting and make it fun to get your customers and employees to come out to it!
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