Parents of High Schools back in the 80’s created a chemical free night on graduation night for seniors. To many drinking and driving accidents happened with seniors on graduation nights; so a totally fun night was started to make graduations safe. Entertainment, food, and fun are the building blocks of seniors fun times on these events.
Entertainment comes in the form of DJ’s, Hypnotists, magicians, bounce inflatables, caricature artists, comedians, temporary tattoos, to chair massages. Depending on the fund raising of that senior class will depend on how many extra fun activities they can provide:)
I have been performing at High school graduation parties since 1991 (when I started with just 1 high school). Now I am up to 11 per June and counting; what that means is I have seen what works well and what doesn’t always work as well! For example, having back to back live entertainers (shows) where the seniors are just sitting and watching for hours in wee hours of the morning. Because it is already a long day (Graduating) the seniors need activities that keep them moving from time to time; dancing, video games, roaming magicians are a big hit, sports and swimming, etc…
A roaming magician, caricature artists, fortune teller, are all terrific entertainment forms because the seniors decide how long they will watch and wait for their turn. As a a roaming magician, I make it a point to hit any lines waiting for the their palms read or cartoon drawings of they and their friends! I like to make the wait become fun too!!
Food strategically spread out over the night/morning is a smart move most high schools have down perfectly; Chinese /or BBQ to start the evening off to pizza brought in many hours later to an ice cream social in early hours, etc… all tends to help keep seniors awake and enjoying their special evening of fun!
For more ideas for your upcoming Project Graduation visit:
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