Tag: ideas for school assemblies in Maine

school fairs and festivals

MagicalAdmin 5th September 2018
Schools are starting up all over New England and fall fairs and festivals are on the way.   PTO's are planning harvest festivals and Halloween fairs to kick off the beginning of school's first trimester.  Lining up parent volunteer's for baked goods, running the games and making the cotton candy are all part of making sure students of all ages will have a good time. Themed to fall/harvest for early Oct. school fairs or late Oct. for a more Halloween themed festival are all options depending on timing, planning, and enough volunteers.  Fall harvest might include hayrides, outdoor games like toss the…

Elementary schools making them 'social'.

PhilSmith 5th September 2011
When I say making elementary schools social I'm not taking about face book and twitter:) I'm talking about making it fun and less scary for the newer kids. Some exciting ideas that PTO/PTA's can do are ice cream socials that first month. It's a great chance for the kids and parents to meet their child's new teacher, allow the students to interact with more than just their classmates. And who doesn't like to make ice cream disappear?! And you don't have to be a magician to make the ice cream cones disappear:) But having an exciting addition like an entertainer;…