Imagine a room full of young magic camp wizard's all ready to start their journey into the world of make believe! Well as young kids isn't that what it's all about at those ages... imagination, creativity, problem solving, etc! As children we do it as we play and magic camp is all about learning life skills while playing!! A booklet of secrets is passed to all the young wizards and the excitement in the room is electrifying. I hear the students say, "look some of the tricks involve cards, of and this one includes magic with a finger ring." I… Read More...
What is a mentor and why are they important? In a world where children and adults are YouTube instructions, it's a great starting point. However, it's just that a starting point. When trying to learn magic tricks... you can watch and emulate another YouTube magician/trick, but you may be learning bad habits that are tough to shake off. A mentor/expert (think of Professor Albus Dumbledore for Harry Potter) teaches the student timing, pacing, angles, and a multitude of other super important elements to make a magic trick work correctly when performing for an audience. Someone to point out that the… Read More...
Learning the 'art of magic' used to be pasted down from magician to magician, if you didn't already have knowledge & skills you could not find someone in the know to share info, ideas, and tricks with you. Today's generation is quick to learn on Youtube a trick or two. The plus to that is its instantaneous, the downside is you might be learning/watching someone who isn't a good instructor/teacher. Or worse they teach incorrectly and you learn/practice the wrong techniques and now have to unlearn all the bad habits! Learning any new skill or technique requires a good coach.… Read More...
As parents we are always looking for new skills, building blocks that we can help our children learn and master. We want a mix of challenging skills, educational values, and fun during and throughout the process! Finding a common mix of all 3 is difficult, but not impossible...maybe we just need a little magic! :) Enter Wizard's Workshop to help your child grow in many different skill sets that can be carried over to school and life! Wizard's Workshop is a magic camp that focuses on increasing creativity, improving public speaking, hand/eye coordination, and people skills! All of these are… Read More...
Bernard and I have run 'Wizard's Workshop coming up on our 8th year... Since the very 1st year we have helped children with physical or mental challeges shine thru the 'art of magic!' Sometimes, it's coming up with different secret techniques (Hidden moves) that are more manageable for different students. Other times it's been teaching it in many different ways to get the point across. And even just refocusing those students on their favorite magic illusions from an earlier session. Each child is different in skill, creativity, and execution during a performance. That's the magic of never know what… Read More...