Tag: magic lessons in Portland

Magic Camp for budding magicians!

MagicalAdmin 24th February 2020
What child has not been fascinated with magic; from a coin being pulled from their ear, to learning their very own card trick. Magic had been a secretive art passed down from pro to practitioner for over 100 years. When I was growing up a magazine became available on the newsstand called ' the Magic Magazine.' I remember hearing pros where so against the magazine because allow with great articles, advice, it introduced newer magicians like myself to some really great magic tricks to learn. Learning any art form can be challenging especially without a mentor/teacher. That is where I…

Children learn differently

PhilSmith 20th March 2015
Do you realize different children learn differently? They Do! Some children learn from reading, some from listening/hearing, other's from visual, and other still from participation (hands on involvement.) Why is it important to know how you child learns? Because once you know what helps them learn you can help exhilarate their knowledge and grow in skills, information, & knowledge. If your child is a auditory learner- then a camp/activity that is more lecture based will delight them Maybe a library/book club camp. If your son or daughter is a visual learner then watching/observing a sport camps like hockey is a…

Magic training camp – 'The fun of wonder!'

PhilSmith 17th June 2014
For young kids many things seem 'magical', from planes flying in the air, flowers growing each season, to their parents or grandparents pulling a coin from their ear! Learning should be fun, and now add to the mix a topic that all kids (boys & girls) love...MAGIC! What makes leaning magic fun? Many reasons I'll just go into a couple... the feeling of knowing a secret and performing that secret in a way that is fun, engaging, and often brings the sound of laughter and or clapping. That's a pretty powerful motivator:) Second, that same motivation to learn something others…

"The gift of Magic"- young kids in magic!

PhilSmith 14th April 2011
Most magicians got started with a magic kit when they were young. I was no different, I was 10 years old when I recevied mine for a Christmas present. I fell in love with it..my dad and I would work on the details together and then I'd practice. After I had several rehearsed I would put on a neighborhood magic show. I wish I had had access to a professional magician who could have given me insight at that young age. Having an expert to tweek and improve upon what I was working on would have been an amazing experience.…