What child has not been fascinated with magic; from a coin being pulled from their ear, to learning their very own card trick. Magic had been a secretive art passed down from pro to practitioner for over 100 years. When I was growing up a magazine became available on the newsstand called ' the Magic Magazine.' I remember hearing pros where so against the magazine because allow with great articles, advice, it introduced newer magicians like myself to some really great magic tricks to learn. Learning any art form can be challenging especially without a mentor/teacher. That is where I… Read More...
Are you looking for a fun camp for your child(ren) this summer? Wizard's Workshop might just be what Harry Potter would order ! As parents we are always looking for fun and educational activities to keep our children happy and furthering their knowledge in safe environments. Wizard's Workshop is the kind of summer camp I wish I had as a younger child to learn the skills of a young Harry Potter:) A modern day Hogwarts to learn creativity, problem solving (how do I hide the secret move and make the illusion look real), increasing public speaking skills (part of… Read More...
Remember when you were a kid and it was your birthday or Christmas and you opened a box that had all these amazing skills you could learn? A red ball could travel invisibly back to an oriental looking vase, or a rope could only come out on your command, or 101 card tricks with a regular deck of cards! After a while you didn't have someone to share that enthusiasm with or perform for (mom and dad can only pick a card so many times:)) Imagine, a class full of young magicians just like your child, grandchild, niece… Read More...
Do you realize different children learn differently? They Do! Some children learn from reading, some from listening/hearing, other's from visual, and other still from participation (hands on involvement.) Why is it important to know how you child learns? Because once you know what helps them learn you can help exhilarate their knowledge and grow in skills, information, & knowledge. If your child is a auditory learner- then a camp/activity that is more lecture based will delight them Maybe a library/book club camp. If your son or daughter is a visual learner then watching/observing a sport camps like hockey is a… Read More...
As parents we are always looking for new skills, building blocks that we can help our children learn and master. We want a mix of challenging skills, educational values, and fun during and throughout the process! Finding a common mix of all 3 is difficult, but not impossible...maybe we just need a little magic! :) Enter Wizard's Workshop to help your child grow in many different skill sets that can be carried over to school and life! Wizard's Workshop is a magic camp that focuses on increasing creativity, improving public speaking, hand/eye coordination, and people skills! All of these are… Read More...
Bernard and I have run 'Wizard's Workshop coming up on our 8th year... Since the very 1st year we have helped children with physical or mental challeges shine thru the 'art of magic!' Sometimes, it's coming up with different secret techniques (Hidden moves) that are more manageable for different students. Other times it's been teaching it in many different ways to get the point across. And even just refocusing those students on their favorite magic illusions from an earlier session. Each child is different in skill, creativity, and execution during a performance. That's the magic of kids...you never know what… Read More...